Electrician Marketing – What You Need To Know In 2024


Is it time to start or improve your electrician marketing? If you are reading this, I think it’s fair to assume the answer to that is yes.

If you are ready to start advertising or are still unsure about electrician marketing, then keep reading. 

I am going to be discussing different paid and unpaid strategies for marketing your business.

Let’s get started.

Let's go

Preface Why is marketing important

Ultimately, effective marketing is going to get more people, in your target market, familiar with your business.

Marketing is obviously an effective way to start generating new business.


What is important to understand is that some forms of marketing are completely free.

Here’s a quick example.


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The marketing guide is a great example of free marketing because we did not pay for any clicks to this blog, and if you downloaded the guide, we didn’t pay for that either.

Now you are more familiar with our company, and the only investment it cost was our time to write the blog and the marketing guide.

You can use a similar strategy to bring unpaid, otherwise known as organic, traffic to your website.

Now that we understand marketing can be free (though there is a time and place for paid marketing) let’s go into more detail.

Now, you ready to get down to business

Chapter 1: How Customers Find You

The best way for your target market to find you in today’s world is through your website.

But what goes into an effective website?

That's a good question

Well, there is certainly a lot, but on the surface level, does your website appear professional?

We live in a world where consumers have access to a significant amount of information-

And they will use that access to research your company before choosing to work with you. 

Sounds like this guy did his research.

When they do get to your website, do you present your business as, or more, professionally than your competitors?

Answer this question honestly to yourself, and if the answer is no, it is time to make some updates.

Chapter 2: Connecting with your Market

electrician marketing

A good-looking website is important, but it isn’t everything. 

It is important for your website to look professional so your customers can trust you-

But if your site does not convert website visitors into leads, then the professional looks don’t matter. 

leads for electrician marketing

You can increase your monthly website visitors 10 times, but if your conversion rate is 0%, you’ll still be getting 0 leads.

0% is an exaggeratedly bad conversation rate, but increasing your conversion rate is important-

And not always difficult.

What can be an effective marketing tactic to increase your conversion rate?


Here’s a hint…


A Call-To-Action (CTA) is what you are asking your website visitors to do before leaving your site.

This could be “asking” them to call with a “Call Now” CTA. 

Or to complete a contact form with a “Request a Quote” CTA.

hand moving a mouse

Typically, the lower the barrier to entry, or the easier it is to complete the “ask,” for your site visitors, the more likely they will be to complete that action.

There are plenty of different options for what your CTA can be, but-

What is important is that you do have a CTA present and you are “asking” your visitors to complete some action before leaving your website.

While we’re on the topic of CTA’s


Find Out How We Can Help Grow Your Business

Let’s discuss your marketing needs, and we’ll help you put together a digital marketing strategy that will generate more leads and save you time.

Claim your marketing plan and get tips on how to boost your sales!

Shameless plug… Sorry.

Chapter 3: Getting Your Name Out There With Electrician Marketing

Have you ever thought about a buyer’s journey when they are searching for an electrician?

Do they ask friends for recommendations? Search social media? Are they searching on Google?

Thinking about electrician marketing

Many people are going to end up on some type of directory during their research. 

If your target market is using directories to find electricians, it’s probably important that your business is on these directories.

Below is a list of directories that can be used to find electricians.

  1. ANGI (Angie’s List)
  2. Home Advisor
  3. Houzz
  4. Porch
  5. Thumbtack
  6. Bark
  7. Build Zoom

For more information about these directories, check out our blog 17 Best Lead Generation Companies For Contractors.

Why can directories be effective?

I did some research for the keyword “Electrician Denver.” 

electrician marketing Denver

I found that there are 1,600 monthly searches for this keyword with variations also getting a few hundred searches.

When I typed this keyword into Google-

The #1 organic result was Home Advisor, #3 was Angi’s List, and #4 was Thumbtack.

What this tells us is that when your target market is searching for an electrician, the first results they see will oftentimes be directories.

If directories are getting the most clicks by landing page 1 on Google, it may be effective to be present on these sites.

Now, what if your business also landed on page 1 of Google.


What if electrician marketing could land you higher on page 1 than these directories?

Well, keep reading, because that is what the next chapter will discuss.

Chapter 4: Paid Marketing

So we have learned that a professional website that converts is highly important.

We also saw that directories rank high on Google when people are searching for electricians.

So what can you do to beat the directories, and get those clicks directly to your website?

This is where Pay-Per-Click marketing comes into play.

making a purchase

Google Adwords is where we have repeatedly seen sustainable success with our clients.

Going back to the search term “Electrician Denver.”

Home Advisor was the #1 organic result, but it was not at the very top of the page.

The very first result was an Ad.

Mouse clicking

As “Pay-Per-Click” suggests, you pay a fee every time somebody clicks on your ad.

I am not going to go into detail on Google Adwords, as there are plenty of resources already out there.

Another option is to start with Adwords Express.

A lot of thought goes into building a Google Adwords campaign such as-

What keywords to target, how to keep your average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) low, etc.

If you take the time to learn and build good campaigns, you should see a comfortable ROI.

electrician marketing numbers

Another option is to work with an Electrician Marketing Agency

Okay, okay. Last shameless plug.. Probably.

Chapter 5: Bonus PPC

I believe that Google is the most effective marketing tool in the service industry, but-

Social media like Facebook can be effective for retargeting. 

Bonus PPC

I won’t cover re-targeting in great detail, but essentially, re-targeting allows you to use a tracking pixel, to track users that visit your website.

If they do not convert while on your site, you can then re-target them with display ads on Facebook.

Have you ever been searching for a product online, and later that product pops up on your timeline as you scroll through social media?

That’s retargeting. 


Retargeting can be effective but – 

When it comes to electrician marketing, I believe the best use of funds to create an initial increase in leads is through Google ads. 

Electrician Marketing Key Takeaways

We covered a lot of information today, and it can seem overwhelming when you are just getting started.

When it comes to starting and/or increasing your marketing efforts it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to do everything.

BUT… you do have to do something.

just do it!

If you don’t have the ability to do everything we discussed today, then for now, pick one section and start there.

Little progress is better than no progress, so just get started.

A few important things to remember from today’s post.

Some forms of marketing are free.

An effective SEO strategy will drive more and more FREE traffic to your site over time.

Free for life!

A website that looks professional is important, but it also needs to convert visitors to leads.

Directories often land on page one of Google so it may be effective to have your business present on these directories.

Effective Google Ad campaigns can help you start landing on page one of the search engine’s results page.

I hope the information above can be a resource as you begin marketing your electrical business.
If you have questions about electrician marketing or need additional help, please feel free to contact us!

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