Experts In Contractor SEO

SEO Services that help Contractors Rank

More traffic. More Leads. More jobs. Johnson Jones Group can help your contractor business start showing up on search engines.


SEO Services That Boost Your Traffic & Your Revenue

If you’re getting outranked by your competition, we can help. Through better content, more relevant keywords, and website optimization, we transform your website into a sales machine.

Better Content

Our team of writers can help bring you more content, more traffic, and more sales.

Better Keywords

Our data-driven keyword research puts your content in front of your audience more often.

Better Website

Keep your site healthy and performing well and stay at the top of the search results.

Keep Your Site Healthy

Stop worrying about your site. Our SEO team will monitor your site for common SEO issues like 404 errors, JavaScript issues, broken links and more.

  • Realtime data report on your sites SEO health
  • Monitoring by our team of SEO experts

Content Marketing that Ranks

Whether you need a couple blogs a month or weekly content, our team of writers can deliver high-quality, human-written content that will will drive more clicks and more sales.

Target Keywords That Drive More Sales

Show up where your users are searching with the highest quality keywords. Our SEO team selects the top-performing keywords by measuring:


Get the traffic that converts with keywords that match your audience.


Don’t waste time going after keywords you can’t break into.

Search Volume

Targeting the keywords that people are searching for.

Knowledge is power. Learn more about SEO

Commonly Asked Questions

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a catch all term for a variety of services and techniques that can help your website rank better on search engines.

It can take the form of increasing the amount of backlinks your website has, formatting your webpages so that its easier to crawl, optimizing website performance, and publishing new keyword-focused content.

Johnson Jones Group can help you put together comprehensive SEO strategies that cover everything from keyword research and content writing to metadata management and monthly reporting.

SEO-Friendly Content is a moving target. The rules are always changing and the way people interact with your content can be hard to predict. That being said here are a few tips for helping you create content that

  1. Write content that people want to read.

    It can be tempting to narrow-focus on optimizing all your keywords and technical SEO, but at the end of the day, if people don’t find your content relevant AND useful your traffic won’t grow.
  2. Pick your keywords carefully

    Don’t just target the keywords with the most searches. Focus on answering the questions that your users are asking in meaningful and relevant ways.
  3. Don’t overuse your keywords

    While you may want to use your keywords throughout your content, you should aim for a keyword density of 1-2%. That means that for every hundred words you write, your keyword should appear no more than twice.
  4. Pay attention to your layouts

    Not all SEO tricks are about keywords and writing. Sometimes what matters most is creating a great experience for your user. You can use things like media, whitespace, and headlines to break up content. That will make your users more likely to stay on your page longer, which search engines track and use when deciding rankings.

According to the data, yes you absolutely do. 75% of searchers never click to the second page. Not only that, but according to Internet Live Stats, Google gets 6.5 billion searches every day. That means, if you’re not ranking well on search engines, you’re only getting a sliver of the traffic you could be getting.

The truth is that if you want your business to be successful, you need to start optimizing your website for SEO.

You can absolutely do SEO on your won, but the truth is that you need a team on your side in order to tackle it. An agency will research your industry, find you keywords, help you produce content, publish blogs, and more. Agencies like Johnson Jones Group can even manage your websites— helping to make sure you are at a technical level doing everything you can to maximize your search rankings.

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